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Uganda Rwenzori Trekking - 9 Nights/10 Days



From $2300.00

Welcome to the exhilarating 7-Day Uganda Adventure. Below is your meticulously crafted itinerary, ensuring an unforgettable journey through captivating landscapes and rich cultural experiences.

Discover the enchanting Mount Rwenzori, a majestic masterpiece of nature's craftsmanship. With its rugged peaks piercing the sky and verdant slopes cloaked in mist, this African wonder unveils an awe-inspiring landscape that enthralls adventurers and nature enthusiasts alike. Amidst the equatorial heat, a mesmerizing secret awaits – the eternal embrace of snow-capped summits. Throughout the year, these majestic peaks wear a glistening coat of snow, inviting intrepid souls to witness a rare and captivating juxtaposition: a tropical terrain crowned in eternal winter. Embark on a journey to Mount Rwenzori and immerse yourself in the thrill of exploring its diverse beauty, from lush forests to its remarkable snowy crown – an experience that defies convention and ignites a love affair with the dramatic symphony of nature.

Day 1: Arrival & Entebbe Exploration
Upon arrival, our dedicated driver-guide will warmly receive you. After a brief introduction, you'll be comfortably transferred to your accommodation in Entebbe. Take this time to rest and soak in the anticipation of the days ahead.
Accommodation: VIVIA GUEST HOUSE

Day 2: Embarking on the Rwenzori Odyssey
After an early breakfast, venture on a scenic 5-hour drive towards the western region. En route, you'll be treated to picturesque tea estates before arriving at the slopes of Mountain Rwenzori. Fort Portal town will be a brief stop for lunch at Gardens Restaurant. By 3:00 pm, continue your journey to the Rwenzori Mountains, a destination that promises both awe and serenity.
Accommodation: Rwenzori Base Camp Guest House or Rubon Community Camp

Day 3: Ascending to Nyabitaba Hut
Daybreak welcomes an introduction to your guides, potters, and chefs. Your equipment will be checked to ensure a comfortable ascent. A drive will lead you to the Uganda Wildlife Authority in the Rwenzori Park gate, where you'll be registered and briefed. Embark on the hike, traversing through grasslands, montane forests, and heather zones. Chimpanzee calls and captivating wildlife encounters will accompany you. Nyabitaba Hut, at 2651m, marks the day's end.

Day 4: Journey to John Matte Camp
Descending through forests and crossing the Bujuku River, you'll traverse through bamboo forests and giant lobelia-dotted landscapes. The path reveals the magnificent Mount Baker and Mount Stanley before reaching John Matte Hut, nestled below Stuhlmann Pass.

Day 5: Trekking to Bujuku Camp
The trail leads through boggy terrain, where giant lobelias thrive. Bujuku Lake and the grandeur of Mount Baker and Mount Speke come into view. Bujuku Hut provides an ideal acclimatization point for those aspiring to conquer Mount Stanley and Mount Speke.

Day 6: Reaching Elena Camp
The trail journeys through Groundsel Gully, ascends steep slopes, and navigates glaciers, slippery rocks, and exposed landscapes. Those attempting Margherita Peak, the highest point, experience a challenging climb. Return to Elena Hut for a serene night's rest.

Day 7: Margherita Peak Triumph & Kitandara Camp
Embark on a pre-dawn ascent of Margherita Peak, the highest summit. Three glaciers, rocky terrain, and icy stretches characterize this ascent. Descend to Elena Hut, followed by a descent to Kitandara Camp, encapsulating breathtaking views.

Day 8: From Kitandara to Guy Yeoman Camp
The trail ascends steeply to Freshfield Pass, revealing views of Congo and Mount Stanley. Traverse high alpine landscapes, then descend to Guy Yeoman Camp, resting beneath the shadow of Rwenzori's majesty.

Day 9: Completing the Circuit & Celebration
The trail descends through cliffs and bamboo forests, culminating in Nyabitaba. The community welcomes you with traditional dance, celebrating your Rwenzori conquest. Transfer to Fort Portal or Kasese for the night.

Day 10: Homeward Bound
After breakfast, embark on the journey to Kampala/Entebbe with a stop in Mityana for lunch. Depending on your departure time, your driver-guide will ensure your timely arrival at the airport.

Price: $2300 per person (couple)
This comprehensive package includes park fees, accommodations, hiking gear, meals, porterage, and expert guidance. From the Rwenzori Mountains' summits to cultural celebrations, your 10-day Mt. Rwenzori Margherita Peak summit trip promises a transformative adventure.

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